#PublicSchoolSuccess App – The Details

The #PublicSchoolSuccess Image Generator app is located here.

This page is just the code behind it.

If that’s what you’re after, read on.

Credit Where It’s Due

This is all based off of existing code by Shane Chism, namely his Facebook Picture Overlay script.  Shane’s script is designed to do those icon overlays that you see on Facebook every time there’s a new social cause.  It overlays a small transparent .png in the lower-right of an image, and makes sure the whole thing fits in a 200×600 frame.

Shane’s code still comprises >95% of the code in use, so major props to him for making something so easy for me to modify, and for being a mensch who gives it away for free.

The Modifications

The original script works like this:

  1. Resize and crop the source image until it fits in a 200×600 boundary box.
  2. Create a canvas the same size as the source image.
  3. Insert the source image into the canvas.
  4. Overlay the icon in the lower-right corner (a programmable offset is also available).
  5. Convert to JPG, timestamp, and save.

The #PublicSchoolSuccess version works similarly, but with a couple changes in workflow:

  1. Resize and crop the source image until it fits in a 300×450 boundary box.
    • If the image is portrait, set the width to 300 and crop the bottom to make the height 450.
    • If the image is landscape, set the height to 450 and crop the right to make the width 300.
  2. Rotate the source image to match the angle of the frame.
  3. Create a canvas the size of the overlay (which is the size of the finished image).
  4. Place the rotated/resized portrait on the canvas.
  5. Place the overlay on the canvas.
  6. Convert to JPG, timestamp, and save.

The Code

After this project, I am up to all of 8 hours of php programming (if you include time spent scuzzing with the image to get the right angles and locations).  As such, I make no promises about the quality or reliability of this code.  I did my best to emulate Shane’s methodology for the sake of consistency.  Still, I’m sure I flouted plenty of conventions and eschewed plenty of efficiencies.  Meh.

The package comes in 4 parts:

  • uploader.html – what users actually visit
  • uploader.php – uploads the user’s file and triggers processing
  • YearbookPicOverlay.php – does the actual processing
  • success.html – displays the result to the user

I also modified the .html files to make them look better, but since said modifications are entirely dependent on my site’s css, there’s really no point to including them.

<html xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml">

    <meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=utf-8" />
    <title>Sample Uploader Page</title>


	<h2>Facebook Tagger</h2>

	<!-- Enctype MUST be multipart/form-data for file upload -->
	<form action="uploader.php" method="post" enctype="multipart/form-data">
    	<!-- For ease-of-use sake I like to put error messages on the same page as uploads -->
        <!-- Alternatively, you can code your website to display errors wherever you like -->
    	<?php @print( $fbtOutput ); ?>
    	Please upload your picture (JPEG or JPG format):<br />
    	<input type="file" name="picture_upload" />
        <br /><br />
        <input type="submit" name="submit" value="Tag me!" />
	<br /><hr />
    <i>For help and further explanations, see the <a href="http://shanechism.com/code/static/16">documentation</a>.</i>


<html xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml">

    <meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=utf-8" />
    <title>Congratulations, you're tagged! (Sample Uploader Success Page)</title>


	<h2>Tagging Success!</h2>

	<div style="margin: 0px auto; text-align: center;">
        <b>Here's your freshly tagged image:</b><br /><br />
        To save, right click the image and select "Save Image As," "Save Link As," or "Save Picture As." Then, save it to your desktop!<br /><br />
        <!-- As we saw in uploader.php, $image is the path to the image beginning at the resources directory. -->
        <!-- In order to show our image I will need to create the first part of the link. In this case it just starts at the domain name. -->
       	<img src="<?php echo( 'http://' . $_SERVER['SERVER_NAME'] . '/path_to_resources_folder/' . $image ); ?>" alt="Facebook Picture" /><br /><br />
        <!-- $_SERVER['PHP_SELF'] is a PHP Superglobal basically pointing the link back to this PHP page -->
        Why not <a href="<?php echo( $_SERVER['PHP_SELF'] ); ?>">tag another</a>?
    <br /><hr />
    <i>For help and further explanations, see the <a href="http://shanechism.com/code/static/16">documentation</a>.</i>



# Check to see if the form has been submitted or not:
if( !isset( $_POST['submit'] ) ){
 # Form has not been submitted, show our uploader form and stop the script
 require_once( "uploader.html" );
 # Form has been submitted, begin processing data
 # Include the function file then call it with the uploaded picture:
 # TIP: The "../../ portion is a relative path. You will need to change this
 # path to fit your website's directory structure.
 require_once( 'YearbookPicOverlay.php' );
 # Create the FacebookTagger object using our upload value given to us by uploader.html
 $fbt = new FacebookPicOverlay();
 # Let's say we're using this script to do an image overlay. Let's invoke the
 # overlay method, which will then return the image file relative to the resources
 # folder (ex: will return resources/processed/imagename.jpg).
 try {
 $image = $fbt->overlay( $_FILES['picture_upload'] );
 }catch( Exception $e ){
 print( "<b>Oops!</b> " . $e->getMessage() );
 print( "<br /><br /><a href=\"javascript:history.go(-1)\">Please go back and try again</a>" );
 # This will delete all images created more than two days ago (by default).
 # This is helpful in keeping our processed folder at a reasonable file size.
 require_once( "success.html" );

# That's all, folks!
 * Facebook Picture Overlay Script
 * Version: 2.1.0
 * Coded by: Shane Chism <http://shanechism.com>
 * Updates: http://shanechism.com/code/static/16
 * Distributed under the GNU Public License
 * Modified by Adam Labay
 * Description & Attribution: http://adamlabay.net
/** \brief Facebook Picture Overlay Script
 * Allows for image overlay to uploaded files based on Facebook's standards
 * @author Shane Chism <schism@acm.org>

/** \brief #PublicSchoolSuccess Overlay Script
 * Creates #PublicSchoolSuccess image using user photo
 * @author Adam Labay <adam@adamlabay.net>
class FacebookPicOverlay {
 // --------------------------------------------------
 // --------------------------------------------------
 // Modify the values in this section according to
 // your own needs. Pay close attention to your
 // directory structure.
 # Path to the directory containing the resources and processed folders:
 var $rootPath = "./";
 # Resources folder name:
 # (default: "resources/")
 var $resourcesFolder = "resources/"; 
 # Folder you would like the processed images saved to:
 # (default: "resources/processed/")
 var $processedFolder = "resources/processed/";
 # These variables now represent the width and height of the portrait rather than those of
 # the finished picture. Also included are angle of rotation and position (upper-left).
 var $fbWidth = 330;
 var $fbHeight = 450;
 var $rotAngle = 12;
 var $offsetx = 551;
 var $offsety = 143;
 # Overlay image filename and extension (must be placed in the resources folder):
 # (default: "overlay.png")
 # Image will be resized to the dimensions given for export.
 var $overlay = "yearbook_overlay.png";
 var $exportWidth = 600;
 var $exportHeight = 440;
 # Throw Exceptions?
 # true = User errors will generate an Exception() error
 # false = User errors will return overlay as false, and save error to $this->error
 var $throwExceptions = true;
 // --------------------------------------------------
 // --------------------------------------------------
 // --------------------------------------------------
 // You can fine tune the tagger to your needs,
 // though these options can remain the same and your
 // tagging should still work.
 # Maximum image size allowed for upload (in MB):
 # (default: 20)
 var $maxFileSize = 20;
 # Save images at this quality (percentage):
 # (smaller quality has a smaller file size but looks worse)
 # (default: 100)
 var $quality = 100;
 # Save images in this file format:
 # (options: "jpg", "jpeg", "JPG", "JPEG")
 # (default: "jpg")
 var $extension = "jpg";
 // --------------------------------------------------
 var $uploaded, $uploadedInfo, $error;
 function __construct(){
 private function checkConfig(){
 if( substr( $this->resourcesFolder, 1 ) == '/' )
 $this->resourcesFolder = substr( $this->resourcesFolder, 1, ( strlen( $this->resourcesFolder ) - 1 ) );
 if( substr( $this->resourcesFolder, -1 ) != '/' )
 $this->resourcesFolder .= "/";
 if( substr( $this->processedFolder, 1 ) == '/' )
 $this->processedFolder = substr( $this->processedFolder, 1, ( strlen( $this->processedFolder ) - 1 ) );
 if( substr( $this->processedFolder, -1 ) != '/' )
 $this->processedFolder .= "/";
 if( !file_exists( $this->rootPath . $this->resourcesFolder ) )
 $this->printErr( "The resources folder path you have specified is invalid. Please check it and try again (configuration section: <code>\$rootPath</code> and <code>\$resourcesFolder</code>)." );
 if( !file_exists( $this->rootPath . $this->processedFolder ) )
 $this->printErr( "The processed folder path you have specified is invalid. Please check it and try again (configuration section: <code>\$rootPath</code> and <code>\$processedFolder</code>)." );
 $overlay = $this->rootPath . $this->resourcesFolder . $this->overlay;
 if( !file_exists( $overlay ) )
 $this->printErr( "The \"overlay\" image you specified in the configuration section (<code>\$overlay</code>) does not exist. Please correct and try again." );
 private function printErr( $text ){
 die( "<h3>FBT Error:</h3> " . $text );
 private function throwErr( $err ){
 $this->error = $err;
 if( $this->throwExceptions )
 throw new Exception( $err );

 # Places your overlay image on the picture and returns the hyperlink
 public function overlay( $uploaded ){
 $this->uploaded = $uploaded;
 $overlay = $this->rootPath . $this->resourcesFolder . $this->overlay;
 $overlaySize = getimagesize( $overlay );
 $canvasWidth = $overlaySize[0];
 $canvasHeight = $overlaySize[1];
 if( empty( $this->uploaded ) || $uploaded['size'] < 1 ){
 $this->throwErr( "You have not chosen an image to upload!" );
 return false;
 $this->uploadedInfo = getimagesize( $this->uploaded['tmp_name'] );
 if( $this->uploaded['size'] > ( $this->maxFileSize * 1000000 ) || filesize( $this->uploaded['tmp_name'] ) > ( $this->maxFileSize * 1000000 ) ){
 $this->throwErr( "The file you have chosen to upload is too big." );
 return false;
 if( $this->uploadedInfo['mime'] != "image/jpeg" && $this->uploadedInfo['mime'] != "image/jpg" ){
 $this->throwErr( "The file you have chosen to upload is the wrong file type. Please choose a JPG or JPEG file only." );
 return false;
 $portrait = array();
 $portrait[0] = $this->uploadedInfo[0]; 
 if( ( $portrait[0] * $this->fbHeight ) / $this->fbWidth > $this->uploadedInfo[1] ){
 $portrait[1] = $this->uploadedInfo[1];
 $portrait[0] = ( $portrait[1] * $this->fbWidth ) / $this->fbHeight;
 $portrait[1] = ( $portrait[0] * $this->fbHeight ) / $this->fbWidth;
 $src = imagecreatefromjpeg( $this->uploaded['tmp_name'] );
 $srcscaled = imagecreatetruecolor( $this->fbWidth, $this->fbHeight );
 imagecopyresampled( $srcscaled, $src, 0, 0, 0, 0, $this->fbWidth, $this->fbHeight, $portrait[0], $portrait[1] );
 $tmp = imagerotate( $srcscaled, $this->rotAngle, 0 );
 $tmpsize = array();
 $tmpsize[0] = imagesx( $tmp );
 $tmpsize[1] = imagesy( $tmp );
 imagealphablending( $tmp, true );
 $overlayRes = imagecreatefrompng( $overlay );
 $filename = time() . "-processed.jpg";
 $file = $this->rootPath . $this->processedFolder . $filename;
 }while( file_exists( $file ) );
 $canvas = imagecreatetruecolor( $canvasWidth, $canvasHeight );
 imagecopy( $canvas, $tmp, $this->offsetx, $this->offsety, 0, 0, $tmpsize[0], $tmpsize[1] );
 imagecopy( $canvas, $overlayRes, 0, 0, 0, 0, $canvasWidth, $canvasHeight);
 $canvasout = imagecreatetruecolor ($this->exportWidth, $this->exportHeight);
 imagecopyresampled( $canvasout, $canvas, 0, 0, 0, 0, $this->exportWidth, $this->exportHeight, $canvasWidth, $canvasHeight);
 imagejpeg( $canvasout, $file, $this->quality );
 if( !file_exists( $file ) )
 $file = $this->rootPath . $this->resourcesFolder . $this->oops;
 imagedestroy( $src );
 imagedestroy( $srcscaled );
 imagedestroy( $tmp );
 imagedestroy( $overlayRes );
 imagedestroy( $canvas );
 imagedestroy( $canvasout );
 return ( $this->processedFolder . $filename );
 # Deletes all files in the processed folder that were created before $timestamp
 # Defaults to 2 days ago
 public function maintenance( $timestamp = NULL ){
 if( $timestamp == NULL )
 # Defaults to 2 days ago
 $timestamp = strtotime( "-2 days" );
 if( $timestamp > time() )
 $this->printErr( "You are trying to perform maintenance on files created in the future. This is beyond the script's abilities, please install a time machine to continue." );
 if( $handle = opendir( $this->rootPath . $this->processedFolder ) ){
 while( false !== ( $filename = readdir( $handle ) ) ){
 if( substr( $filename, ( -1 * ( 1 + strlen( $this->extension ) ) ) ) == ( "." . $this->extension ) ){

 $file = $this->rootPath . $this->processedFolder . $filename;
 if( filectime( $file ) < $timestamp )
 @unlink( $file );
 closedir( $handle );
 $this->printErr( "Unable to access the processed folder. Check your <code>\$rootPath</code> and <code>\$processedFolder</code> settings in the configuration section." );


Posted by Adam Labay, 0 comments

#PublicSchoolSuccess Image Generator

The amazing people at Badass Teachers Association put together an excellent Twitter campaign featuring notable public school graduates.  Some examples:


To make something like this go viral, though, will take thousands more contributions.

So, I threw together an app that will let people add their face to the image and post it to their favorite social media.

The #PublicSchoolSuccess App

Step 1: Go to adamlabay.net/fbtag/uploader.html
Step 2: Upload a picture of your face.
Step 3: Save the resulting image.
Step 4: Tweet it to @BetsyDeVos and make sure to use the hashtag #PublicSchoolSuccess. If you have the space, copy @BadassTeachersA as well.
Step 5: Spread the gospel.

The Code

To be clear, I did pitifully little to create this.  All the grunt work was done by Shane Chism and I just tweaked the code.  That said, if you want the gory details, I’ll post them shortly.

Posted by Adam Labay, 1 comment

PowerSchool ISA Report for DC Schools

If you’re a DC school that uses PowerSchool as your SIS, then you’ve probably faced the situation where none of the attendance reports properly match the In-Seat Attendance (ISA) reports in Qlik.

I still can’t speak to the exact mechanics of why the two reports differ, but to bridge the gap I put together a report for the SQLReports4 package that calculates ISA using the same method as Qlik.

A few notes:

  1. All students need to have a Full-Time Equivalency (FTE) assigned.  Generally, this happens by default when a student is added to PowerSchool, but sometimes it doesn’t register.
  2. The report’s first parameter lets you decide whether to report Year-to-Date or over a date range.
    • Both cases will return the ISA% by month and grade.
    • If the date range is specified, grade and schoolwide values for the range will be returned.
    • If the date range is not specified, grade and schoolwide values YTD will be returned.

The code:

<ReportName>In-Seat Attendance</ReportName>
<ReportTitle>In-Seat Attendance</ReportTitle>
<ReportDescription>%ISA [(Students Present * Days Present)/(Students Enrolled * Days Enrolled)] per grade, per month.</ReportDescription>
<SQLQuery><textarea name="UF-0060051129">WITH mem_days AS
SELECT to_char(cd.Date_Value, 'MM/YYYY') m, s.Grade_Level gl, COUNT(cd.Date_Value) dm

FROM Students s
INNER JOIN Terms t ON t.YearID = ~(curyearid) AND s.SchoolID = t.SchoolID
INNER JOIN Calendar_Day cd ON s.EntryDate &lt;= cd.Date_Value AND s.ExitDate &gt;= cd.Date_Value AND s.SchoolID = cd.SchoolID AND t.FirstDay &lt;= cd.Date_Value

cd.Date_Value &lt;= (CASE WHEN '%param1%' = 'Yes' THEN to_date('%param3%', 'MM/DD/YYYY') ELSE SYSDATE END)
AND cd.Date_Value &gt;= (CASE WHEN '%param1%' = 'Yes' THEN to_date('%param2%', 'MM/DD/YYYY') ELSE to_date('1/1/1900', 'MM/DD/YYYY') END)
AND cd.MembershipValue = 1

GROUP BY to_char(cd.Date_Value, 'MM/YYYY'), s.Grade_Level
, att_days AS
SELECT to_char(cd.Date_Value, 'MM/YYYY') m, s.Grade_Level gl, COUNT(att.Att_Date) da

FROM Students s
INNER JOIN Terms t ON t.YearID = ~(curyearid) AND s.SchoolID = t.SchoolID
INNER JOIN Calendar_Day cd ON s.EntryDate &lt;= cd.Date_Value AND s.ExitDate &gt;= cd.Date_Value AND s.SchoolID = cd.SchoolID AND t.FirstDay &lt;= cd.Date_Value
INNER JOIN Attendance att ON s.ID = att.StudentID AND cd.Date_Value = att.Att_Date
INNER JOIN Attendance_Code attc ON att.Attendance_CodeID = attc.ID

cd.Date_Value &lt;= (CASE WHEN '%param1%' = 'Yes' THEN to_date('%param3%', 'MM/DD/YYYY') ELSE SYSDATE END)
AND cd.Date_Value &gt;= (CASE WHEN '%param1%' = 'Yes' THEN to_date('%param2%', 'MM/DD/YYYY') ELSE to_date('1/1/1900', 'MM/DD/YYYY') END)
AND cd.MembershipValue = 1
AND att.Att_Mode_Code = 'ATT_ModeDaily'
AND attc.Presence_Status_CD = 'Present'

GROUP BY to_char(cd.Date_Value, 'MM/YYYY'), s.Grade_Level
,isa AS
SELECT to_char(to_date(mem_days.m, 'MM/YYYY'), 'YYYY') y, to_char(to_date(mem_days.m, 'MM/YYYY'), 'Month') m, mem_days.gl gl, ROUND(att_days.da/mem_days.dm*100, 2) pct
FROM mem_days
INNER JOIN att_days ON mem_days.m = att_days.m AND mem_days.gl = att_days.gl
ORDER BY mem_days.m, gl
, isa_sch AS
SELECT mem_days.m md, to_char(to_date(mem_days.m, 'MM/YYYY'), 'YYYY') y, to_char(to_date(mem_days.m, 'MM/YYYY'), 'Month') m, 'All' gl, ROUND(SUM(att_days.da)/SUM(mem_days.dm)*100, 2) pct
FROM mem_days
INNER JOIN att_days ON mem_days.m = att_days.m AND mem_days.gl = att_days.gl
GROUP BY mem_days.m, to_char(to_date(mem_days.m, 'MM/YYYY'), 'YYYY'), to_char(to_date(mem_days.m, 'MM/YYYY'), 'Month')
ORDER BY mem_days.m
,isa_ytd AS
SELECT (CASE WHEN '%param1%' = 'Yes' THEN 'Range' ELSE 'YTD' END) y, (CASE WHEN '%param1%' = 'Yes' THEN '%param2%' || ' - ' || '%param3%' ELSE 'YTD' END) m, mem_days.gl gl, ROUND(SUM(att_days.da)/SUM(mem_days.dm)*100, 2) pct
FROM mem_days
INNER JOIN att_days ON mem_days.m = att_days.m AND mem_days.gl = att_days.gl
GROUP BY mem_days.gl
ORDER BY mem_days.gl
, isa_sch_ytd AS
SELECT (CASE WHEN '%param1%' = 'Yes' THEN 'Range' ELSE 'YTD' END) y, (CASE WHEN '%param1%' = 'Yes' THEN '%param2%' || ' - ' || '%param3%' ELSE 'YTD' END) m, 'All' gl, ROUND(SUM(att_days.da)/SUM(mem_days.dm)*100, 2) pct
FROM mem_days
INNER JOIN att_days ON mem_days.m = att_days.m AND mem_days.gl = att_days.gl

SELECT y, m, to_char(gl), pct
FROM isa
SELECT y, m, gl, pct
FROM isa_sch
SELECT y, m, to_char(gl), pct
FROM isa_ytd
SELECT y, m, gl, pct
FROM isa_sch_ytd</textarea></SQLQuery>
<ReportHeader><th>Year</th><th>Month</th><th>Grade Level</th><th>ISA %</th></ReportHeader>
<ParameterName1>Custom Date Range</ParameterName1>
<ParameterName2>Start Date</ParameterName2>
<ParameterName3>End Date</ParameterName3>
Posted by Adam Labay, 0 comments

For My PGCPS Friends: The What-If Report

There’s ongoing and increasing talk of the Growth Mindset going around.

And, more often than not, all it amounts to is bulletin boards chock-full of motivational sayings.  And little else.

Instead, wouldn’t it be nice to do something for your students that actually helps them connect effort and achievement?

Enter the What-If report.

Say you’re like me, and have that kid (or kids, or all of your kids) who never completes more than 60% of an assignment.  Frequently-cited reasons include:

  • I don’t know what I’m doing, so my score’s not going to improve by doing more work anyway.
  • 60% is passing, isn’t it?
  • It’s just not worth my time.

To start proving to them that the work would have paid off, I started placing three grades at the top of each assignment:

  1. Your grade in my class right now
  2. Your score on this assignment
  3. What your class grade would have been if you had received full credit on this assignment.

The kids loved it and started putting forth more effort.  This is even more effective if you do make-up assignments or have a robust system in place for revision.

Here’s how to do it:

Step 1: Pull a grade report from SchoolMax.

Go into SchoolMax, click on Reports >> Grades, and pull a “Student Assignments and Grade Listing” Report.

Make sure to export to CSV.


Step 2: Make a copy of this Google Spreadsheet.


Click the screenshot, go to File >> Make a Copy, and it’s yours to work with.

Or, open the file directly from the link: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1DqFpyRWkPW8_ARiSechFnw0Nj6lUNtxaiP1tdC57QUY/edit#gid=0

Step 3: Insert the grade report into the What-If Spreadsheet.

Open the tab named GR101.CSV, delete all the contents, and paste the contents of your grade report.

Step 4: Pick the assignment.

Return to the first sheet, and pick an assignment.

Nota Bene: For this to work, all of your assignments in SchoolMax must:

  1. have unique names, i.e. “Homework 9/16/16” instead of just “Homework” each week.
  2. be unique within 40 characters, i.e. “Revised first draft of analytical essay on <<topic>>” will get chopped to “Revised first draft of analytical essay” and you’re back to problem (a).

Step 5: Read off the appropriate values.

Note: This was written for 3 reporting categories, as tends to be the case in PGCPS.  If there are more than 3 categories, you’re screwed.  Let me know and we’ll work something out.

Step 6: Enjoy a lovely beverage.


Posted by Adam Labay, 0 comments

PowerSchool SQLReport: Assignment List and Projected GPA

A vice principal wanted a report that can be given weekly to Homeroom teachers, which provides them with each of their students’:

  • Current grade in each class
  • Average by category (Homework, Classwork, Assessment) in each class
  • Projected GPA

The code is below if you want to use it for yourself.  This is intended to be used with SQLReports4.  If you don’t have it on your PS server, I strongly encourage its addition.

A few notes:

  1. You need to specify the GPA Calculation method.  Mine are named “Projected GPA %%” where %% is the term name.  Change to suit your needs.
  2. If a category has no assignments for a student (possibly from exemptions), it is not included in the report at all.
  3. If a category has a denominator of zero (say, the only assignment was extra credit), then the percent is blank.

The code:

Continue reading →

Posted by Adam Labay, 0 comments

Migrating Google Apps: Copy Folder Utility

All things being equal, migrating your Google Drive from one account to another should be easy:

  1. Transfer ownership of all files to the new account
  2. Profit

Unfortunately, if your account is on a Google Apps Domain, your administrator may have disabled ownership outside the domain.  If it’s Google Apps for Education, they didn’t get a say in the matter at all. (Fair enough – FERPA is a cruel mistress, after all.)

In principle, this doesn’t pose too much of a barrier, expanding the previous process to:

  1. Account A shares all files with Account B
  2. Account B creates local copies of shared files
  3. Account B trashes the original, shared files
  4. Enjoy a lovely beverage

And if all you have is a pile of files lying around, this isn’t a problem.  But heaven help you if your files are in folders, since Google Drive lacks folder-copying (also known as xcopy) functionality.

Enter a guy named Eric, whose Copy Folder extension basically saved my behind.  Steps 1-4 above now apply, with the added bonus that the extension automatically removes the irritating “Copy of…” prefix from all the new files.  Brilliant!

It does seem to have the odd issue with enormous collections (>500 files in a folder), but all told I was able to save an estimated 20,000 files in a week, impossible by any other method.

Posted by Adam Labay, 0 comments